One Good Thing
My dinner today: roasted brussels sprouts and zucchini topped with a meat sauce. On the side is cheese. I'm glad I didn't put it actually on the sauce. The cheese wasn't that good |
Therapist has challenged me to write down one good thing I do every day. Therapist believes this will raise my self-esteem and empower me to be bold and speak up for myself. Exact words were: Being humble is not helping you. We talked at length about how women are taught not to be assertive and that is one of the reasons for the pay gap. I've been sitting here for several minutes thinking about my one good thing. . . and struggling to come up with something. Why is this so hard?
My ONE GOOD thing I did today: I remembered administrative professionals day and sent $5 Amazon gift cards to the secretarial staff at my school.
I love brussels sprouts and zucchini! (also cheese--I can't believe any cheese wouldn't be good!) LOL I like the sound of your therapist. I think it's an extremely thoughtful thing you did for your administrative professionals. I would also ask--what one good thing did you do for yourself? You are worthy of pampering.