Creating a Routine

I went back to my classroom today.  What did I like about it?

  • It wasn't my apartment.
  • It was bright and had lots of light.
  • I could walk the halls in between class periods.  To keep my body agile and moving.
  • I could talk to people from a distance.  By the way, I only saw 3 other people.   
  • It wasn't my apartment.
When I got home, it felt like a regular workday.  I wasn't obliged to open my computer and continue working. I made dinner, watched some tv, went out for a walk, chatted on the phone with a friend and now it is close to nine and I am yawning.  So I'll start my bedtime routine.

Tomorrow is weigh-in day and I know it was not a successful week.  I had a lot of pie.  Plus, I didn't exercise enough over Easter weekend.  

This weekend, I'll probably take another drive, but this time I will bring food with me. 

I am grateful for 
  • friends that leave me sweet messages
  • a place of work that is open during the day.
  • God's provision, I have tons of food and roof over my head
  • the truth of God's word. Today's devo was about praying for wisdom.  I should be praying more and especially for wisdom.


  1. Getting out and seeing other places is so important. I'm glad that the routine felt good to you, and somewhat normal.


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