Disregard the messy apartment

This morning as I was eating breakfast, I realized that I had 3 drinks on my TV tray.  (Pictured above)

  • One was my iced coffee-sans ice because the ice machine produces nasty ice.  Now, I just run it the night before and put it in the fridge.  Add some half and half and it is a delicious morning drink.
  • A mug of hot tea with honey and lemon because I woke up coughing.  I believe that it is allergies.  In the last two weeks, I have only been to the gas station, Walmart pick up,  for walks in my neighborhood and drives in my car.  I pumped gas with gloves on & sanitized after getting in the car.  I even cloroxed the inside of my car for safe measure.    At the Walmart pick up, I barely crack the window.  Just enough to yell, "the trunk."  So, I do not think I have the virus.  I think its allergies.  Because I am craving the outside so much, I have taken to sitting on my porch while working.  I know that there is a big tree next to my patio and floating pollen, but I love the patio because it does not make me feel claustrophobic.  Allergy pills are keeping the sinus infection away.  Praise the Lord!
  • A glass of water.  The goal is to drink 8 glasses a day.  I failed miserably today. But I've had about 3 mugs of tea.  Doesn't that count as water?

Unlike Hurricane Harvey.  I have lost weight during the quarantine.  I'm down 3 pounds since last week's weigh-in.  I am hoping that by July, I would have lost at least 30 lbs.  

What is it about being stuck in this apartment that makes me NOT want to clean?  

I need to keep decluttering, but I have nowhere to take the stuff that I plan to give away. I could put it in the car, but the trunk is reserved for groceries.  I don't want to have physical contact with anyone that could make me sick.  


  1. I haven't cleaned either, and should. I need to do some tasks that give me a sense of accomplishment. I do think that tea counts as water.


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