Half a Pie in the trash can |
I started meeting with a therapist last fall. She helped me work out the stress I was feeling. I haven't seen her since November. Monday morning, after a terrible night of anxiety, I reached out to her. I got an appointment for today. Dr. seemed to be pleased with my progress, even in the midst of a pandemic. Ultimately, I have a lot of big balls in play and this pandemic caused the world to hit the pause button and my balls are just floating.
- I want to go to South Korea and I'm tired of people asking me what I'm going to do. Or even suggesting that this might not be the right time.
- I gained weight. I had to throw out the Easter pie I made.
- I have chosen to sleep at a friend's house because I have panic attacks at night. I think the panic attacks are about the fear I have of being alone. Yes, it means I am exposed to people but right now, it is only two other people.
- I will be going back to work in the physical school building. It is risky, but not really because on 3 or 4 other people are working on campus, plus the custodial staff (and they are working on cleaning the building).
It sounds like you're finding coping strategies, although the pie might not have been a good one. You recognized that, and got rid of it! I'm glad that you talked with your therapist. This is a painful, and uncertain time. I hate it.