I hate email

Exercise is saving my life right now.  Literally, my blood sugars are in check and I dropping weight. It is keeping me sane.  Saving my life!
I hate email more than anything!  Seriously, hate it!  You know why?  Because ZERO inbox is so so elusive.  Even more, I hate work email.  Why?  Because work emails mean there is just one more thing to do.  I just spent the last 30 minutes working on school email.  Email for me could be a full time job and I hate it and  I can't keep up with it.   It is like grading.  The work is never done, no matter how much time you invest.

A friend from another high school in town sent me another email about an opening at her school.  She has been eager to get me to join the staff there for years.  I need to respond to her and tell her that my plan is still to move to Korea.

Before I can go to bed tonight, I need to finish a letter of recommendation for a student.  Another thing I hate doing.   I hate writing the letters, I much prefer forms because I can't just write a simple paragraph at the end of why the student is deserving.

My COVID 19 test results came back negative today.  I am grateful.  But I am still having sinus problems, a friend reminded me to netipot.  So, I am going to throw that back into my routine.

ONE GOOD THING:  I started decluttering my teacher papers/binders in my classroom today.  My goal is to digitize all of my handwritten notes and get rid of the papers.  I actually like paper in terms of resources because I think part of processing is marking up documents.

I am grateful for a long conversation with R today.  I am grateful for a negative test.  I am grateful for payday tomorrow.  I am grateful for friends like Margaret who read my blog and comment and encourages me from afar.  I am grateful for deadlines and timelines that make me feel like I am making progress and moving ahead.  I am grateful for my conversation with H in which I was brutally honest about how I'm feeling right now.  She was such a comfort.


  1. You have much to be thankful for! I am trying to focus on my own positives while grieving the loss of my New York baby trip. I will give myself time to process it, and not expect instant acceptance. It sounds like you have several options, which is always a good thing. Writing recommendations is arduous and email can be too. I enjoyed writing the recommendations, but never liked responding to emails. I didn't receive that many, but I think it's way more for teachers now. A full-time job indeed!


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