Let there be Light

Veggie Shepherd's Pie

The last couple of days in Houston have been gloomy.  Rainy.  Cloudy.  The temperature is perfect. But the gloominess is not.  This afternoon, I turned on every light in my apartment trying to achieve some sort of light.  It didn't work.

Crack chicken & roasted veggies
I decided that I needed out of this apartment.  I got in my car and drove to the park and watched people run in the rain.  An hour of sitting in the car, chatting with friends made me feel better. 

Running through my head right now:

  • VENT:  The students who turned in late work that is rushing me to grade it.  It annoys that people feel entitled that I should quickly and immediately do what they want.  I know that I work in a service industry, but I should not have to live and breathe school.  One kid sent me late work over the weekend, you know when she (or probably her parents) expected it graded?  By the time she had class this morning.  My response, you sent this over the weekend and I have been in classes all morning.  When did you expect me to do this?  It wasn't a priority for you when I assigned it, should it be a priority for me the moment?  Yes, I know we are in the middle of a pandemic. But my homework and assignment load has been really light compared to other teachers.
  • A friend asked me what I was having for dinner.  My appetite is kind of crappy right now.  I don't feel like eating.  Last week, I cooked and cooked and cooked (pictured above)  What I want to do is hug everyone I know and tell them I love them.  
  • Google is crazy right now. It messed up my quiz/test. I don't know what to do to fix the problem.   I stayed up really late last night making the quiz and test on google and then it didn't record student's answers.  ***sigh***
  • I have stayed away from the news as much as possible.  I think I heard in passing that Houston has been hit pretty hard. 
  • I know God answers prayers.  And I know He listens and he cares.  But what do we do when He is silent or we can't hear what He is saying?  Dear Lord, help me hear you!
  • Do I really want to continue teaching?  I love the profession I love my students.  I hate, despise grading.  I hate that if you work within the designated contract hours, you're perpetually behind.  It feels like there is no work/life balance in this career.  

***this post has not been proofread, disregard errors in grammar and typos.****


  1. That veggie shepherd pie looks amazing! Ashley is in the same spot as you are. There are no deadlines, no rules, and little respect for the teacher's time or assignments. It's disheartening. I'm glad you got out, and I feel the same as you do. I miss hugging people and being hugged!


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