Positive Affirmations

Dinner today. Salad & oven fried chicken
My therapist gave me two things to work on this week. 

  1. Contact the company that helped me find my job in South Korea to determine how resigning the job would impact my future with this company.
  2. Watch a video on positive affirmations, develop one and use it frequently.
I plan to follow through with my contract in South Korea.  I'm pretty excited about the opportunity and I believe and hope that over the summer COVID 19 will not be a big issue.  I think it will be a while before huge gatherings are a thing again and we'll be wearing masks out in public.  However, COVID 19 will affect my travel plans.  I may need to arrive 2 weeks early to go through the quarantine process.  It may change how my school does school--it is a boarding school.  There are so many unknowns.  My therapist wanted me to have all of the information I could possibly have before I make decisions.  Right now, I'm still going.

I do say a lot of negative things about myself and I lack confidence.  I watched the video of positive affirmations and there were a lot to chose from. After about 2 minutes, I was through with the video.  They all seemed so selfish and sacrilegious.  Since my last appointment with Therapist, a friend reminded me that God loves me & God sees me.  I've been reciting that as my affirmation throughout the week and added God hears me.  God loves me, God sees me and God hears me.  I hope my affirmation will be enough.  It is for me.

Today, was an intense day, but I have finally calmed down.  I had 2 parent conferences today.  The ended well, but I am bothered that I have to have them in the first place.  I feel like students are lazy and not doing the work I assign.  And instead of telling the truth to their parents, they have thrown me under the bus.  Another parent or the child's tutor does all of the student's work.  There are so many little things that have happened throughout the year and this time I said no to resubmission.  My department chair is involved now.  DC and Principal want me to give grace.  I have done that all year with this student. Tomorrow, I will explain my position and I will NOT regrade the assignment because they are unhappy with the grade.  Ultimately, her mother completed the assignment for her and it was wrong.  And that is what I will tell my DC.  I am not grading it again.  My department chair, the curriculum director, someone other than me can regrade, but it will not be me.  I will die on this hill.


  1. I don't blame you! It sounds like everyone is doing the work except the student! Ashley is dealing with the same issues and she's at college. It seems to be the trend these days. I hope the S. Korea job works out well. It's hard when so much is up in the air. Be kind to yourself! xoxo


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