Short Post

This rocking chair is very comfortable. 
However, I can't wait to make my list of items for sale and have people start picking things up.  

I'm pretty much ready for bed.  I've brushed my teeth, taken my night meds, put my rubber bands in and then I remembered I had not reflected on the day.    Overall, a good day.  I slept in because I stayed up late watching Zoom Meeting for Expats.  I am trying to learn as much as I can before I go to South Korea. 

I watched church online, made breakfast before going out.  I went to the carwash.  It is very much exciting when you're trying to limit the number of people you come in contact with.  The highlight of my day riding through the machine.  After the carwash, I went to my friend R's house.  We sat outside in her back yard.  Me under the tree (I brought a blanket to sit on the ground) and her on the gazebo.  There were more than 6 feet between us and it made me happy just to talk to someone.

I am trying to be patient with my new school.  So much is in flux and know they are trying to figure everything out, but I would love an update from someone.

My ONE GOOD THING, I did today:  I called and messaged with old friends and  I made time to wash my hair today.

Why is it that when I do this activity the first things that pop into my head are about school? That has to stop!

I am grateful that my mom was in good spirits when talked to her, for all of the family and friends caring for her Memphis.  I am grateful that church messages today reminded me that I can cry out to the Lord for HELP.  I am grateful for a roof over my head, a paycheck that keeps coming, and work to go to tomorrow.


  1. It sounds like good news, and many small connections with others. Glad your mom is doing well! I remember meeting her in Seattle. It's difficult to be patient. I'm having trouble with that myself.


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