Took the COVID-19 test
The cup of tea I"m sipping on as I watch this blog post. |
Friday, I was frustrated by the coughing I'd had at night and during class and overall anxiety that I have the COVID 19. Because the city is now giving tests to anyone with symptoms and I am in the vulnerable category. I signed up for a test. Although I had to drive nearly 30 minutes, I took the test. No results back. I have to wait 4-6 days for a call with results. I think it is highly unlikely that I have it because I have not had a lot of interactions with people. And I know that the people I have interacted with have not been as careful as me.
I have been taking allergy pills since Spring Break because of congestion that causes coughing, difficulty breathing through my nose and makes my chest tight, The worst thing about allergy pills is the dryness it causes. My mouth tasks horrible all the time and I hate it. My plan tonight was to NOT take an allergy pill. But I am feeling some tightness in my chest and I can feel the sinus drainage in the back of my throat. I keep wondering when this pollen season is going to be over; it is the worst it has ever been for me. I drink hot tea with lemon and honey most days to help the mucus keep moving, but this morning I forgot to make tea to go to school and as a result, congestion feels a little worse today.
The ONE GOOD THING I did today: I went to a ladies small group Bible study this evening. I was kind to a lawnmower mom.
I am grateful for: the rest that I had last night, sleeping and my anxiety is getting better, my Aunt Sharon that helped my mother unpack a few boxes, for a day where I did not feel needy (I was so busy I didn't have time to think about my loneliness), peace that I feel right now, for turning over my NHS duties to the new advisor today, God's love that I feel.
Today the governor said he will allow the city to reopen after April 30. I feel this is much too soon, but I know that he is concerned about business. Especially, big business because he authorized the opening of malls, movie theaters and retail stores at 25% capacity. But he did not authorize the opening of salons and gyms. Oh, how I would love to go back to water aerobics classes. To me it's about money and not people's lives. I'm going to stay home from all of those places until I really see that the numbers in Texas a decreasing.
I've forgotten-what is a lawnmower mom? That must be awful for you and other allergy sufferers because you have some of the same symptoms as Covid 19. It's good that you could get a test! I don't know how easy it is here. I'm glad that your anxiety is better! Staying home until you're confident about Texas' progress is a good idea.