A Day Off

I ordered masks from a local business.  I picked them up yesterday.  
This one is fresh out of the dryer after I washed them.  I'm not necessarily a fan of this look, but anything to stay safe.
Today was a student holiday and was supposed to be a day of inservice for teachers.  Our principal told teachers to use the day however we wanted.  I used the day to be leisurely but felt kind of crappy because I only got 5 hours of sleep.  Since the quarantine, I have not been able to nap because I wake up with panic attacks.  Naps were very scary to me.  But today I needed one.  I prayed and prayed, so that I could nap and feel better.  I called a friend to talk to make sure I was calm.  I fell asleep for 2 glorious hours.  That was one of the best naps I have ever had.  I am so very grateful for sleep. 
I had a weird situation this morning.  After taking my trash to the dumpster this morning, I was stopped by a lady wandering in my apartment complex.  She told me a cab had dropped her off and she needed help.  She kept getting closer and closer to me and I kept stepping backwards.   It was all so weird.  She had a phone in her hand.  I told her, "you need to call the cab back and tell them to come get you."  She had a phone in her hand.  I held my hand out and said, "Look I'm just trying to be safe."  She started rubbing her face like she was on the verge of tears.  I quickly walked away and she approached some other man who was walking her dog.  I feel bad that I didn't potentially help someone that may have needed it.   These are weird times and I take social distancing seriously.

ONE GOOD THING:  I totally relaxed today and did not do any school work.  Actually, my first time checking my school email was when I opened my computer to write this blog.  And guess what nothing pressing was there.  So I closed it.  

I am grateful for my friend Michele who talked to me when I needed human contact today.  I am grateful for Melissa who allowed me to sit in her backyard for outside time.  I am grateful for allergies medicines like Allegra that help people like me.  I am grateful for weight loss during an extremely stressful time.  I am grateful for my faith that I have been clinging to over the past couple of weeks. 


  1. So much to be thankful for! I don't like it when others don't respect our boundaries. Everyone knows what's going on, so you shouldn't have to explain about distancing. Don't feel guilty! I don't mind the look of masks but they are hot to wear and my face gets very sweaty. A small price to pay!


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