Apple Carplay is REVOLUTIONARY

Trash can with CDs and school t-shirt. Starting to throw away things that can't go to Korea.
I have had my car for over 2 years and didn't realize what apple carplay could do.  Did you know it all syncs--from my audiobooks to google maps.  Alot of the apps on my phone will display on the screen in my car.  This is REVOLUTIONARY!  Who KNEW!!!???   I was so blown away that I had to take a picture of the screen as I drove out to the country. 

My feet, ankles, and legs swelled to twice their normal size today.  I have no idea why.  What I know is that until my doctor added that extra pill I was fine.  The cardiologist told me to stop taking everything except the new pill.  I think I am retaining water now.  It explains the serious weight gain I had this week.  I'm going to drop the current treatment plan with the one new med and go back to the original before people started tampering with my meds.  I am only taking the one pill that I was on before all of this chaos.  I will send my doctor an email about it and let him know.  My friend says that everytime you go to the doctor they want to give you pills and new meds.  It is like some conspiracy.  I went to an ENT about my congestion and she prescribed a bunch of stuff.  I ain't taking none of it.  It is not worth it.  

ONE GOOD THING: I did several things for self-care:   I decorated my planner today.  I went to the pool and exercised.  I took a walk after dinner.

I am grateful for friends that invite me to their ranch for Memorial Day, low risk activities like swimming pools, 90% of my classroom is complete, good meals, exercise even when it doesn't feel good in the moment, my favorite pastors that give sermons that encourage me, google and my mother.  


  1. I don't like the sound of that medication at all! Whenever my mom has had issues, it's always been because of a medication or a couple of them interacting. I trust pharmacists more than doctors in that regard. I'm glad that you're having a good Memorial Day and getting to some fun things.


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