
I went to Walgreens today and found these two gems:  alcohol & wipes.

It is the little things that bring us joy.
I decided after laying in bed that I should blog.  If nothing else to express gratitude for today.  When I pick up the computer.  DEAD.  This computer hadn't been charged in days.  Tried to airdrop pics from my phone to the computer for this blogpost, it dies.  Believe it or not I'm actually sick of my devices, I would prefer to spend time with people. . . talking to them, maybe playing board or card games and I would love to talk about things other than C19 or school.

I've made a lot of progress packing my classroom.  The only things I have left to do is scan papers, close boxes, and take my stuff to the storage unit.   I am so glad that I started working on this stuff early in the school year.  Otherwise, it would all be very overwhelming. 

I've gained weight . . . I can tell because I am not walking (for exercise) as easily.  I'm pretty sure I'm retaining water.

ONE GOOD THING:  I bought wipes for a friend who wanted them.  It is the simple things that bring us joy. 

I am grateful for Hallmark Channel movies that make me smile,  that I am feeling better (although we still haven't figured out the chest pressure/congestion), sweet friends offer to get things for you from the grocery store because they shopping makes you anxious, Korea is getting closer, sermons that encourage me, my mom.


  1. I feel like I'm spending too much time on my devices, so I'm trying to schedule more car coffee dates. You found wipes! I'm not sure they're available (still!) around here. I need to find good things to watch on TV. I never have it on!


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