Do I really need a title?

I prepared NHS Stoles and Cords for Senior pickup today
I was given these beautiful flowers by the school secretary.  I wish I had followed up more on why she brought them to me.  I think she's trying to cheer me.  It's teacher appreciation week and usually I do something with NHS to celebrate my colleagues.  This year, I did NOTHING to organize teacher appreciation--for the past 4 years I have organized it, so this was big change.  When I walked downstairs, the school secretaries seemed to be wrapping gift bags of treats.  Teachers will love that someone didn't forget them with all of the craziness of COVID 19.
I am not feeling well today.  I'm pretty sure it is sinus drainage issues.  I'm going to bed early.  I have not planned a lesson for tomorrow and I am okay if I don't have one when I get to school tomorrow.  I'll figure it out or dismiss class early.  Because of how I'm feeling, I barely ate my dinner.  I made a stirfry but couldn't figure out the seasoning.  It just didn't taste good. 

ONE GOOD THING:  I exercised even though I don't feel like it. 

I am grateful for R who chatted with me for over an hour and a half.  I am grateful for a therapy session tomorrow.  I am grateful for a roof over my head.   I am grateful for the entertainment of TV.  I am grateful for my small group that met yesterday and reminded me of simple truths.  I am grateful for all of the positive posts on my facebook page.  


  1. Beautiful flowers! I hope you'll feel better soon. Perhaps the sinus issues are affecting your taste. Glad you exercised and have so much to be grateful for.


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