God Always Provides

I didn't take any pictures today. 

Today, I called an ex-boyfriend.  Our relationship never ended in anger.  It ended with me moving to Houston.  At the time, he gave me no reason to stay.  We've talked about it over the years.  In a lot of ways we are compatible and in a lot of ways we aren't.  I told him my biggest regret is that I had not settled down and said yes to someone.  He didn't because he doesn't need someone in his life like that.  He is fine alone.  I don't know how truthful he's being with himself.   I think it is something he has rationalized over the years.

Today, I did nothing of significance.  About 30 minutes, I sat down and came up with a quick lesson plans for tomorrow.  No more intricate lessons.  I'm done with stressing myself out for no reason at all.  But I have got to find time to work on grading this week.  Outside of some upcoming daily work.  I'm pretty much done for the year.  I am not giving any more homework.  Somethings, I will assign but probably won't grade.

God knows where I am and how I'm feeling.

ONE GOOD THING:  I spent two hours twisting my hair.  It was worth it.  I won't have to do anything to my hair all this week. 

I am grateful for this blog- a space to unleash my feelings.  I am grateful for the carwash.  I am grateful for God's provision.  I am grateful for the family that is taking care of my mom.  I am grateful for the email from as graduating senior that thanked me for being in her life. 


  1. That must feel great to be nearly finished. Will that be another weird transition when school is over though? You'll have to come up with new routines and structure for your day. I'm glad you keep in touch with your ex. I never got closure with mine, so it still plays havoc with my emotions and self-esteem sometimes.


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