Internet Dating Stinks

I attempted to make gluten free, low carb pancakes this morning.  FAIL.  They tasted horrible.  I think from now on.  In trying to lose weight, I am eating very few carbs.  It is making a positive difference with my health. . .but I think if I want pancakes or biscuts or carbs.  I am going to have them and only have bite rather than making these offensive substitutes.

A few weeks ago in the middle of the pandemic, I was desperate for people to talk to, so I signed up for the Facebook Dating app. . . I wish my readers could hear me wail, "WHY, Lawd, WHYYYYYYYYYYYY?"  This week I started exchanging messages with a guy and today we finally talked I knew in the first 5 minutes that I wasn't interested in him.  He cussed and I asked questions about his online experiences.  Basically, the dating world is trash and has been infiltrated by prostitutes and women who want sugar daddies.  This makes it difficult for women like me.  Nevertheless, I deleted my profile after talking to this guy.  I'm done with internet dating, again.

Last night was one of the best nights of sleep I've had in a while.  I woke up a few times, but prayed, sipped water/or tea and was able to go back to sleep.  I could take pills that would help me sleep through the night, especially during this pandemic but I don't want to become addicted. 

ONE GOOD THING:  I smiled a lot today because I was generally happy.  Sleep does that makes you feel normal, again.

I am grateful for the gift of sleep, my friend M who chatted with me for over an hour, that my family is taking care of my mother, common sense, that the school year is coming to a close, all of the social media that allows me to have conversations with my friends from a distance.  


  1. I had some luck with on-line dating, but it certainly takes work and is frustrating. I did despair at times. I agree with you that less of the regular stuff is better than trying for substitutes.


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