Productive Day

We had a senior car parade today.  Here is my attempt at celebratign them!
You'd think with all this time on my hands, my house would be sparkling clean and I would be totally organized.  Nope.  Not at all.  The anxiety and med insanity over the past 6 weeks has been almost debilitating on my productivity. But today I was productive in my classroom and even at home. 

As I walked, I listened to a podcast tonight by a lady traveler that I follow on instagram about her travels around the world.  It rejuvenated me; I am really excited about Korea.  I am glad that it will place me Asia and give me the opportunity to explore worlds that I've never seen before.  She reminded me that people make bucket lists but never complete them.  I don't have a bucket list and I don't want to leave this earth not having lived. 

I ordered my first 2 duffle bags for Korea.  I plan to pack one of them as soon as it comes in with all of my winterish type clothing.

Saw this meme.  I'm now in my 40s; it's worse than this!
I will admit, I am still lonely and would love a companion or life partner.   But I think I've made the best choices regarding my romantic life.  I hate that I haven't been bold when I was interested in certain guys and settled for crap. 

ONE GOOD THING:  I did laundry today.  I made a nice poster to celebrate the seniors at my school.

I am grateful for air conditioning, socks, the ability to walk and talk and breathe.  I am grateful for friendships and seeing my colleagues today at the parade.  I am grateful for the excitement and adventure of Korea.


  1. Exciting that you're planning for and getting ready for Korea! I would think that my house would be very clean too, and that all the cupboards would be organized. I wish! It's hard to get motivated when there is NO time pressure.


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