Sneezing, Chest Pressure & Sore Throat

The 3/4ths moon, that looks like full moon tonight.
I haven't been consistently taking allergy meds because it makes my mouth dry and gives my mouth this awful taste.  We'll my allergy symptoms are back.  Soooo, from now on I will take the allergy meds.  Until I'm sure the pollen count is low again.  My ears are a little sore and they are achey.  So, I know I need to take meds.

I went for a leisurely walk this evening.  I didn't push it.  I ate half of a chocolate chip cookie after dinner.  I know I need to chill on the cookie eating and step up my exercise game if I want to continue losing weight. 

I feel like my spirit is calm and its like I have adjusted to this way of life.  I don't necessarily like it, but I think I'm tired of fighting and it looks like isolation will be my path for the foreseeable future. 

I just realized I have counseling this Wednesday and I don't know if I've worked on the things she's told me to work on.   I guess tomorrow, I need to go through my notes to determine if I need to do something before the next session.

ONE GOOD THING:  I attended a women's Bible study Group virtually tonight.  It helped me realize that I am growing in this crazy, uncomfortable season. 

I am grateful for the gift of prayer.  I am grateful that I have the ability to walk and can even walk around my neighborhood several times without pain.  I am grateful for R who sends me texts just to see how things are going.  I am grateful that my mom is doing okay in this pandemic.  I am grateful that I haven't checked the news today.  I have NO clue what is going on in the world.  I am grateful that the last few things I've heard say there are some promising medical treatments for those infected with COVID 19.


  1. I love walking around my neighborhood! Just being outside is important. I don't feel trapped or as limited when I can do so. I took a news break (mostly) yesterday and it helped my state of mind. However, I do think it's important to understand what's happening. It's a tough balancing act, isn't it? Thank you for sharing your gratitude list; it also makes me think of my own blessings.


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