I miss the school building

I am completing my third week of distance learning.  My school has chosen to have classes meet in the morning until 12:30.  Then teachers come back at 1:30 for an hour for students that need help.  I am finding that EVERYTHING takes longer in distance learning.  Today, I worked all day--until 4:30 and accomplished NOTHING.  That is because I was in meetings from 1:00 to 3:30 and then I spent an hour on email answering questions.  It is exhausting.  Can I be honest? Administrators can be so very disconnected from what is really happening.  When did I lesson plan today? I didn't.  When did I grade today?  I didn't.  Did I answer every email? Nope, left about 20 emails unanswered. And I vowed that I wasn't going to reopen the computer until tomorrow morning (but I did to write this blogpost). Yes, I realize that means I probably won't be prepared tomorrow, but so be it.  I was told that this type of system would be a reduced workload for teachers. HA!  Disconnected.

Food TV has been my salvation.  It has been the only channel that I've really watched.  I am only interested in the competitions. It is really cool to see how people use different ingredients.  The funny thing about all this cooking and food tv (distractions from the pandemic), my appetite is trash.  Yesterday, I barely ate anything.  I used to drink heavy amounts of water, now I can barely drink.  It feels like I'm drowning.  Sometimes, it even feels like the onset of a panic attack.  

I miss the pool.  With all of that chlorine, it is definitely a safe place to be.  But the city has ordered that all of the gyms close.  I suspect I wouldn't go anyway because you have to walk in the building to get to the pool.  The apartment complex has closed all of the amenities--so no gym, no pool.  They will not even accept our packages anymore.  

I do not want this blog to be all complaints and whining.  Today, overall was a good day.  I made a new friend via facebook and that is always fun.  I am grateful that there have been no waves of panic.  According to my sleep app, last night was the best night of sleep I've had in 2 months--the bed was so good I had a hard time getting up this morning. That's praiseworthy.  I feel like shouting hallelujah, just because of that!  Yesterday, I talked to a friend and she told me that family members that have the coronavirus have been relatively symptom-free.  I am grateful that my mom, who is vulnerable, has not experienced any illness related to the virus.  I am grateful for this post that appeared in my facebook feed a few days ago.  We are NOT crazy.  We are in fight or flight!

***this post has not been proofread; please disregard typos and grammatical errors***


  1. I've struggled too, and my appetite has waned. I force myself to eat, but I'm not getting my normal enjoyment out of it. I don't understand how admin can be so clueless! They seem to think that grading and planning magically get done. I wonder if many of them spent much time in the actual classroom!


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