Recognize I'm doing good...

The admin team delivered gift bags of treats to teachers today.
I am grateful they remembered us 
Many teachers received their bags at home, but because I'm at school everyday, mine was left on my desk.  

I grew up in church. . . missionary baptist (thank God it wasn't Southern Baptist).  Nevertheless, the legalism from the Baptist church still resides in me today.  As a result, I think it is extremely prideful and vain to self acknowledge the good things that I do.  My therapist thinks otherwise and I have discovered that this is the root of all my insecurities.  My therapist wants me to have a mantra that celebrates and encourages self-care, but I'm having GREAT difficulty finding one that I don't think is vain or prideful, i.e.  sinful! 

The full moon on my walk tonight
Therapist is proud of how much self-care that I am engaging in during the quarantine.  According to Therapist:  going to the doctor is self-care, exercising every day is self-care, my approach to school and lesson planning is self-care and finally writing on this blog is self-care. 

I went to both Kroger and Trader Joes today.  I was so excited because I found disinfecting wipes.  But I forgot to get a Mother's Day card.  So, I'll go back first thing in the morning and see if I can get a card to send to my mom.  After talking with my doctor, masks will be a way of life for at least a year.  So, it is okay to get out there and do normal stuff again, "just wear a mask and wash your hands," he said.   I had teledoc appointment because I am concerned about how long I have had allergy symptoms.  It makes it hard to sleep and now I'm experiencing lightheadedness.  And I don't like that feeling. 

ONE GOOD THING:  I've got nothing today. Literally, nothing.  I left school early, canceled office hours. . . hold up, I created 2 lesson plans in under 30 minutes before classes started.

I am grateful for the beautiful full moon tonight.  I am grateful for angels protecting me each time I drive.  I am grateful for friends that  I completely and utterly disagree with.  I am grateful for cool glasses of water, the quiet of my apartment complex, that my back doesn't hurt when I walk long distances anymore. 
Dinner:  oven fried fish, cole slaw, zucchini marinara & shrimp.  


  1. That dinner looks wonderful! I think it's important to acknowledge that we're doing well, as long as we admit that there are always things to improve. I hope you also have friends that you agree with!


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