
Showing posts from May, 2020

Language of the unheard

"And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the negro poor has worsened over the last twelve or fifteen years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity."  --MLK My school had graduation today.  I refused to go; it way too dangerous. ONE GOOD THING:  I finished my classroom today.  The only thing left will be to scan and upload old tests to the school curriculum site. I am grateful for friends that have send me messages expressing how upset they are about what happened.  I am grateful for a full refrigerator, the ability to bless a family from my school with dinner (mom & dad have had C19), that I'm down 8 lbs, that I wore a dress I haven't worn in a long time, for...

1 am hunger

I donated a ton of hangers to the theater department  at school. It is nearing 1 AM and I am still awake.  Why? D------ Facebook.  I commented my experience on another colleague post  I have had several “discussions” with people about when these incidents happen. Their thinking: “if only black people did what the cops said; why do they have to resist arrest” and of course comments from White women about how Black men are scary. They wouldn’t be scary if you talked to them or became their friends. I’m so frustrated with America on this. And I’m tired of these comments of privilege. It is SCARY to be Black man in America. It seems that the establishment wants Jim Crow again, especially the White House. Stepping off my soap box. In my initial comment, I named the school because that is where all of the conversations took place.  Of  course, someone was offended and said that I was categorizing the school in my comment and "that is frustrating."  The comme...

Church is essential?

My Memorial Day plate When I woke up this morning, I was supposed to go to the pool.  I had a 7 am reservation,  but I just couldn't get my butt in gear.  I won't do an early time, again.  I knew better, but  I had an 8 am teledoc and then a visit to the dentist, so I figured this was the best option.  I decided to watch the news; I have never watched Fox and Friends and decided to give it a shot.  Then they said Churches were essential and need to reopen--according to DT.  I wholeheartedly disagree.  When you look at the populations that attend church regularly NO WAY!  It is a mixture of older adults and families with lots of kids.  I'm a Christian and there is NO WAY I am attending a church in the states until we figure this thing out.  Church is essential; seeing people is essential, but we are doing it well online.  Also,  I find it hard to believe that Obama led a conspiracy to interfere with Trump's campaig...

Apple Carplay is REVOLUTIONARY

Trash can with CDs and school t-shirt. Starting to throw away things that can't go to Korea. I have had my car for over 2 years and didn't realize what apple carplay could do.  Did you know it all syncs--from my audiobooks to google maps.  Alot of the apps on my phone will display on the screen in my car.  This is REVOLUTIONARY!  Who KNEW!!!???   I was so blown away that I had to take a picture of the screen as I drove out to the country.  My feet, ankles, and legs swelled to twice their normal size today.  I have no idea why.  What I know is that until my doctor added that extra pill I was fine.  The cardiologist told me to stop taking everything except the new pill.  I think I am retaining water now.  It explains the serious weight gain I had this week.  I'm going to drop the current treatment plan with the one new med and go back to the original before people started tampering with my meds.  I am only taki...

Making Progress

The waiting area at the Korean Consuate Today, I  dropped my passport and visa application off at the Korean Consulate to obtain a visa stamp.   Yes, Korea is still happening!  I visited the ENT today and she said that I am sensitive to milk.  I need to significantly reduce the amount of milk I am consuming and according to the paperwork, I need to lose weight.  ONE GOOD THING:  I shared the banana bread I made with friends. I am grateful that my friend M has a new grandchild and will get to see him in the summer.  I am grateful for a long conversation with S, no one has discouraged me about my move to Korea, that I am assured of salvation, for laughter with friends. 


I went to Walgreens today and found these two gems:  alcohol & wipes. It is the little things that bring us joy. I decided after laying in bed that I should blog.  If nothing else to express gratitude for today.  When I pick up the computer.  DEAD.  This computer hadn't been charged in days.  Tried to airdrop pics from my phone to the computer for this blogpost, it dies.  Believe it or not I'm actually sick of my devices, I would prefer to spend time with people. . . talking to them, maybe playing board or card games and I would love to talk about things other than C19 or school. I've made a lot of progress packing my classroom.  The only things I have left to do is scan papers, close boxes, and take my stuff to the storage unit.   I am so glad that I started working on this stuff early in the school year.  Otherwise, it would all be very overwhelming.  I've gained weight . . . I can tell because I am not walki...

A few days away

Sunset at the Ranch I haven't written in over 3 days.  I had plenty to post, I just chose to do other things.  This weekend, I went with a friend to her family's ranch.  It was just me and her.  While out there in the country, I went to the local resturant.  There were only like 3 or 4 families there.  Most people chose to eat out on their back patio which is humongous!  Anyway, it was risky because no one was wearing masks.  But I feel okay.  I did research on the county there were only 15 cases of COVID in the county.  Yes, I know the COVID numbers are rising every day in my state, but it was nice to get away from the city and stress that seems to exist here.  We took very long walks that included hills and somehow I made it up the hills! Tonight I had a semi-binge. . . cheese puffs, chocolate, popcorn and then I took my blood sugar. . .it was 73.  I don't understand.  Maybe, the exercise keeps my blood su...

Productive Day

We had a senior car parade today.  Here is my attempt at celebratign them! You'd think with all this time on my hands, my house would be sparkling clean and I would be totally organized.  Nope.  Not at all.  The anxiety and med insanity over the past 6 weeks has been almost debilitating on my productivity. But today I was productive in my classroom and even at home.  As I walked, I listened to a podcast tonight by a lady traveler that I follow on instagram about her travels around the world.  It rejuvenated me; I am really excited about Korea.  I am glad that it will place me Asia and give me the opportunity to explore worlds that I've never seen before.  She reminded me that people make bucket lists but never complete them.  I don't have a bucket list and I don't want to leave this earth not having lived.  I ordered my first 2 duffle bags for Korea.  I plan to pack one of them as soon as it comes in with all of my winteri...

Charcuterie Boards and Meds

Teacher appreciation gift Today, I visited the cardiologist and I feel good about the conversation we had.  For now, I will stop taking all medications but one. We can see what is really happening over the next few weeks.  I think one of the pills I was taking was dehydrating me and zapping me of nutrients and some of the meds were not playing well together.  I am grateful!  Yesterday, the parent organization gave all of the teacher's charcuterie boards with cheese, pickles, fruit and other goodies.  It was too sweet and I am grateful for their thoughtfulness.  For many teachers, they delivered them to their homes.  ONE GOOD THING:  I went to counseling (virtually, of course) even though I was feeling pretty lightheaded and crappy at the time.  It was so helpful to talk about things! I am grateful for the Lord's provision, lunch with a friend, potential answers to questions about my health, the gift of salvation, that I am going to ...

Internet Dating Stinks

I attempted to make gluten free, low carb pancakes this morning.  FAIL.  They tasted horrible.  I think from now on.  In trying to lose weight, I am eating very few carbs.  It is making a positive difference with my health. . .but I think if I want pancakes or biscuts or carbs.  I am going to have them and only have bite rather than making these offensive substitutes. A few weeks ago in the middle of the pandemic, I was desperate for people to talk to, so I signed up for the Facebook Dating app. . . I wish my readers could hear me wail, "WHY, Lawd, WHYYYYYYYYYYYY?"  This week I started exchanging messages with a guy and today we finally talked I knew in the first 5 minutes that I wasn't interested in him.  He cussed and I asked questions about his online experiences.  Basically, the dating world is trash and has been infiltrated by prostitutes and women who want sugar daddies.  This makes it difficult for women like me.  Neverth...

The New Normal

In Houston, things seem to returning to normal.  I had friends go out to eat tonight.  They chose to eat on the patio and said that other tables and customers were at least 20 feet away from them.  My friend was ecstatic to share this news.  My friends who are scientists and nurses and some others do not seemed to be freaked out by COVID, I ask my nurse friend today and she was like I'm not worried about it.  You can't control everything.  They think being outside especially in the heat of Houston will pretty much kill the disease and expecting that recovery from the disease provides some future immunity. I visit my friend Melissa today.  I tried to maintain social distancing, but there were a few moments where it was clearly violated.  She decorated her son's car for a graduation parade tomorrow morning.  I watched her and talked with her.  It feels good to talk, laugh, and spend time with people.  My friend has a country home an...

ER Visit #2

Today was a horrible day, but a blessing in disguise.  I have been saying for weeks that I have chest pressure and blamed it on sinus drainage.  Last night, I wasn't able to sleep because the pressure was too much and made me uncomfortable. At 1:30 am, I went to one of the Emergency Room Clinics. After EKGs, Blood work and being there until 3 pm today, I have a diagnosis of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy.   I don't understand it all but with diet, exercise, and the right meds, I can heal and live well.  But basically my sinus troubles and anxiety uncovered a serious issue that could have killed me. I don't know what this means for South Korea or even my current job.  What I know is that I want more family and friends around me.  I cried a lot today because I just don't know what to do.  I know that Korea has excellent medicine.  Korea is safer than America right now. I rushed from the ER to participate in my friend's graduation parade of cars....

Recognize I'm doing good...

The admin team delivered gift bags of treats to teachers today. I am grateful they remembered us  Many teachers received their bags at home, but because I'm at school everyday, mine was left on my desk.   I grew up in church. . . missionary baptist (thank God it wasn't Southern Baptist).  Nevertheless, the legalism from the Baptist church still resides in me today.  As a result, I think it is extremely prideful and vain to self acknowledge the good things that I do.  My therapist thinks otherwise and I have discovered that this is the root of all my insecurities.  My therapist wants me to have a mantra that celebrates and encourages self-care, but I'm having GREAT difficulty finding one that I don't think is vain or prideful, i.e.  sinful!  The full moon on my walk tonight Therapist is proud of how much self-care that I am engaging in during the quarantine.  According to Therapist:  going to the doctor is self-care, ...

Do I really need a title?

I prepared NHS Stoles and Cords for Senior pickup today I was given these beautiful flowers by the school secretary.  I wish I had followed up more on why she brought them to me.  I think she's trying to cheer me.  It's teacher appreciation week and usually I do something with NHS to celebrate my colleagues.  This year, I did NOTHING to organize teacher appreciation--for the past 4 years I have organized it, so this was big change.  When I walked downstairs, the school secretaries seemed to be wrapping gift bags of treats.  Teachers will love that someone didn't forget them with all of the craziness of COVID 19. I am not feeling well today.  I'm pretty sure it is sinus drainage issues.  I'm going to bed early.  I have not planned a lesson for tomorrow and I am okay if I don't have one when I get to school tomorrow.  I'll figure it out or dismiss class early.  Because of how I'm feeling, I barely ate my dinner.  I made ...

Sneezing, Chest Pressure & Sore Throat

The 3/4ths moon, that looks like full moon tonight. I haven't been consistently taking allergy meds because it makes my mouth dry and gives my mouth this awful taste.  We'll my allergy symptoms are back.  Soooo, from now on I will take the allergy meds.  Until I'm sure the pollen count is low again.  My ears are a little sore and they are achey.  So, I know I need to take meds. I went for a leisurely walk this evening.  I didn't push it.  I ate half of a chocolate chip cookie after dinner.  I know I need to chill on the cookie eating and step up my exercise game if I want to continue losing weight.  I feel like my spirit is calm and its like I have adjusted to this way of life.  I don't necessarily like it, but I think I'm tired of fighting and it looks like isolation will be my path for the foreseeable future.  I just realized I have counseling this Wednesday and I don't know if I've worked on the things she's told me to ...

God Always Provides

I didn't take any pictures today.  Today, I called an ex-boyfriend.  Our relationship never ended in anger.  It ended with me moving to Houston.  At the time, he gave me no reason to stay.  We've talked about it over the years.  In a lot of ways we are compatible and in a lot of ways we aren't.  I told him my biggest regret is that I had not settled down and said yes to someone.  He didn't because he doesn't need someone in his life like that.  He is fine alone.  I don't know how truthful he's being with himself.   I think it is something he has rationalized over the years. Today, I did nothing of significance.  About 30 minutes, I sat down and came up with a quick lesson plans for tomorrow.  No more intricate lessons.  I'm done with stressing myself out for no reason at all.  But I have got to find time to work on grading this week.  Outside of some upcoming daily work.  I'm pretty much done f...

Mentally Checking Out

I made carb friendly crab cakes today.  They were good, but not perfect. I am beginning to mentally check out from school.  And this is a good thing.  This weekend I have had no desire to lesson plan.  No desire to grade (but who really ever has the desire to grade). I haven't checked my school email all day.  I'm glad that I am beginning to think about life outside of school. I am making progress on getting out.  Today, I called a friend and asked if I could come over.  I brought over my lawn chair and we sat on the porch six feet apart and just talked.  I disagree is 90% of her opinions, but it was nice to talk.  She says we can't run from this disease and that we are destroying the economy when death is only affecting the major cities of LA, Chicago & NY.  I don't watch the news so I had no argument.  I said I'm okay with the government shutting things down if for all our good.  Sometimes, it is not worth arguing w...

A Day Off

I ordered masks from a local business.  I picked them up yesterday.   This one is fresh out of the dryer after I washed them.  I'm not necessarily a fan of this look, but anything to stay safe. Today was a student holiday and was supposed to be a day of inservice for teachers.  Our principal told teachers to use the day however we wanted.  I used the day to be leisurely but felt kind of crappy because I only got 5 hours of sleep.  Since the quarantine, I have not been able to nap because I wake up with panic attacks.  Naps were very scary to me.  But today I needed one.  I prayed and prayed, so that I could nap and feel better.  I called a friend to talk to make sure I was calm.  I fell asleep for 2 glorious hours.  That was one of the best naps I have ever had.  I am so very grateful for sleep.  I had a weird situation this morning.  After taking my trash to the dumpster this morning, I was stopped ...